Kevin turns 15 this month – and there’s so much to celebrate.
Last month, Kevin was adopted! But let’s back up for a minute.
Three years ago, Kevin was removed from his home and placed with his grandma. What led to that was a lot of challenge and a lot of heartbreak. It’s hard to grasp, and even more to overcome. It takes more than time – it takes consistent, dedicated support and guidance. One year after the removal, we got connected and matched Kevin in our Dare to Dream program with his new mentor, Irvin. More than 172 hours have been spent together over the last two years – that’s over 7 hours every month! Irvin goes to all of Kevin’s karate lessons – and works with him on his schoolwork (Kevin is passing all of his classes!). Life has changed. Kevin is thriving.
Last month, Kevin was adopted! But let’s back up for a minute.
Three years ago, Kevin was removed from his home and placed with his grandma. What led to that was a lot of challenge and a lot of heartbreak. It’s hard to grasp, and even more to overcome. It takes more than time – it takes consistent, dedicated support and guidance. One year after the removal, we got connected and matched Kevin in our Dare to Dream program with his new mentor, Irvin. More than 172 hours have been spent together over the last two years – that’s over 7 hours every month! Irvin goes to all of Kevin’s karate lessons – and works with him on his schoolwork (Kevin is passing all of his classes!). Life has changed. Kevin is thriving.
Kevin is surrounded by people who love him and want to see him reach his full potential. They want him to live out his dreams. So when Kevin’s adoption day finally came, it was a courtroom full of tears.
As the judge reviewed the paperwork, she looked up and made a joke:
“Now that you’re being adopted you won’t have this team of people bothering you anymore!”
Grandma paused for a moment and then said – “Except for Irvin and Stevie, our Case Manager at Austin Angels. We get them for life!”
Then it was Kevin’s moment to share. He turned to everyone in the room, thanked them, and said – ”I wouldn’t be here without you.”
As the judge reviewed the paperwork, she looked up and made a joke:
“Now that you’re being adopted you won’t have this team of people bothering you anymore!”
Grandma paused for a moment and then said – “Except for Irvin and Stevie, our Case Manager at Austin Angels. We get them for life!”
Then it was Kevin’s moment to share. He turned to everyone in the room, thanked them, and said – ”I wouldn’t be here without you.”
The judge, who had been appointed to Kevin’s case from the start, then looked Kevin in the eyes and told him what a kind, brave, capable, funny, and smart young man he was.
Finally, the judge asked the room – ”Do you all agree in favor of this adoption?” A resounding “Yes!” was said in unison.
“Do you promise to be here in support of Kevin forever?” Another resounding “Yes!”
Grandma and Kevin broke down crying at the support.
This is how we transform foster care.
A 2023 study told us that nationwide, about 1.8 million young adults ages 18 to 24 “not only didn’t have a mentor but couldn’t nominate anyone that they felt was a meaningful person” in their lives.
Mentors play a critical role – especially for youth experiencing foster care. There are so many kids like Kevin who need an Irvin.
The research is clear: relationships play a powerful role in youth development and success. Our programs were built on that research. They champion the power of human connection to change the outcomes of foster care, and help kids thrive!
Just like kids need consistency and advocates for them to thrive, so does our organization.
One of the surest ways you can influence our sustainability and ensure kids are matched with mentors like Irvin who can meet their unique needs is through monthly donations.
It gives predictability and enables us to focus on the kids and families in our programs – not on fundraising.
Our goal is to partner with 25 new monthly donors TODAY. The impact is life-changing!
While you have this email open, would you join us in our mission to transform foster care?
$10/month. $25/month. $100/month. Every dollar makes a difference!
Can we count you in?
Finally, the judge asked the room – ”Do you all agree in favor of this adoption?” A resounding “Yes!” was said in unison.
“Do you promise to be here in support of Kevin forever?” Another resounding “Yes!”
Grandma and Kevin broke down crying at the support.
This is how we transform foster care.
A 2023 study told us that nationwide, about 1.8 million young adults ages 18 to 24 “not only didn’t have a mentor but couldn’t nominate anyone that they felt was a meaningful person” in their lives.
Mentors play a critical role – especially for youth experiencing foster care. There are so many kids like Kevin who need an Irvin.
The research is clear: relationships play a powerful role in youth development and success. Our programs were built on that research. They champion the power of human connection to change the outcomes of foster care, and help kids thrive!
Just like kids need consistency and advocates for them to thrive, so does our organization.
One of the surest ways you can influence our sustainability and ensure kids are matched with mentors like Irvin who can meet their unique needs is through monthly donations.
It gives predictability and enables us to focus on the kids and families in our programs – not on fundraising.
Our goal is to partner with 25 new monthly donors TODAY. The impact is life-changing!
While you have this email open, would you join us in our mission to transform foster care?
$10/month. $25/month. $100/month. Every dollar makes a difference!
Can we count you in?